How will this happen?
Period of visiting :
Come see who these women are who are passionate about Jesus and his mission.
Take the time to really get to know one another while continuing your human, spiritual and intellectual formation in order to become better able to respond to the Lord's call and to face the demands of the world around you. Then you will become aware of the active presence of God in your life and you will be able to verify your call to religious life in our congregation.
Withdraw from “the world” in order to discover the profound values of religious life, to deepen your understanding of them and see if they correspond to your perceived call. This will already be the beginning of your religious life when your spiritual life will intensify, when you will get to deepen your knowledge of the Church as well as the congregation’s history, charism, spirituality. One part of this time is devoted to experiences in ministry.
And so, you will be, as Esther Blondin our foundress was, a woman passionate for Jesus and His mission. You will become part of the Sisters of Saint Anne who minister in Canada as well as in the U. S. and Haitii.