Lay persons associated with our missionMother Marie Anne’s insight into the Gospel is a rich heritage that the Sisters of Saint Anne want to share with other Christians who feel called to be at the service of life. They look to the apostolic figure of Mother Marie Anne (Esther Blondin), the Foundress of the Congregation, as they are called to deepen their life in Christ. Associates of the Sisters of Saint Anne
Currently in 2014, nearly 230 men and women are Associates of the Sisters of Saint Anne in various countries: Cameroon, Haiti, Chile, the United States and Eastern and Western Canada (Quebec and British Columbia). These associates annually pledge to live out the spirituality and mission of the Congregation in their particular situation. At monthly meetings, they can benefit from a group’s friendship and support on their journey of faith today. In a world that can leave one feeling out of breath, in the midst of a world shaken by numerous crises, the Associates find in their association a pathway of light, justice and hope. The Associates of the Sisters of Saint Anne project was launched as an experiment at the 1980 General Chapter. It was officially accepted at the 1986 General Chapter. If you would like to live out these values in the company of the Sisters of Saint Anne, please contact:
The Friends of Marie Anne Blondin Esther-Blondin Province Project
The Friends of Marie Anne Blondin are a network of people who want to know or who already know about Mother Marie Anne, who love her, pray to her, and confide in her. No formal commitment is required to belong to this group. You simply ask to join and then provide your contact information, regular mailing address and e-mail. Normally, four times a year, the friends of Marie Anne Blondin are sent via regular mail or by e-mail, as they have specified, a newsletter that informs them of news and events concerning the Congregation, and offers them a reflection, a message from Mother Marie Anne, and prayer intentions adapted to the needs of the times. “The Friends of Marie Anne Blondin” project was initiated in 2006. Currently in 2014, the Sisters of Saint Anne have about 800 “Friends of Marie Anne Blondin”. For those of you who would like to join this group, please contact:
July 2022 |