


Prayer Corner

Mère Marie Anne

Lord, You gave to
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin
a heart impassioned for your glory
and You called her to serve with tenderness
the young, the poor and the sick.

You gave her hope
in the most difficult moments of her life
and You led her to deep serenity.
Be praised, Lord,
for your humble servant,
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin.
Through her intercession
grant us the favour
that we ask of You with confidence.



Would you like the Sisters of Saint Anne to pray for you?

Simply type your intentions in the space below, along with your initials and your place of residence. All intentions will be placed at the tomb of Mother Marie Anne when they are received. On the 18th of each month, the Mass at the motherhouse is offered for all those persons who thus confided themselves to the Lord in the course of the month.

Request :
Initials :
City + State or Province :




Prayer to Saint Anne • Prayer to Blessed M. A.Blondin • Prayer of St. Ignatius
 • Prayer Requeste



Congregation of Sisters of Saint Anne